To check the status of your order you may click here:
When you place your order, you will receive an order confirmation email from us. We normally ship orders within two business days. You will also receive a shipment confirmation email with a tracking link when your order ships. Please click the tracking link on the email we sent to check the status of your order. Just in case, you are unable to find the email in your inbox, kindly check your spam or junk folder. If you have not received any emails from us, and need additional assistance, click here to contact us.
We currently ship via DHL (International) and USPS (Domestic), so you can expect your order to arrive within 3-7 business days for domestic shipments. International shipping times will vary depending on country/customs etc. We charge a flat-rate for standard shipping. We do not currently offer expedited shipping options.
Yes, we do ship internationally via DHL. Availability, shipping rates and fees may vary depending on the delivery address for your order. Your packages may be subject to the customs fees and import duties of the country to which your order ships. These charges are always the recipient's responsibility.
The goods will be imported on behalf of the consignee/ebuyer. The consignee authorizes ThinOptics to import the goods on his behalf. Further, the consignee/buyer agrees that ThinOptics may delegate the obligation to import the goods on his behalf to a subcontractor. The consignee will pay the taxes & duties in addition with the purchase price of the goods.
For more information, please sign-up for our new product announcement emails to learn more about availability in your country.
Email us at, or click here for more information. We'll respond within three business days.